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Sawakai - Japanese Cafe

Sawakai - Japanese Cafe



  • 🤔 In short

    The gateway to Japan accessible to all: every 2 months, the café is organized by Svetlana and Nanako.


    SA (茶) Tea, WA (和) Japan + harmony, KAI (会) meeting.

    “Welcome to all those interested in Japanese language and culture. We look forward to seeing you soon!

    Please let us know at least 3 days before the meeting of your arrival because we always prepare some surprises (crafts, tasting, ...)."

  • 📅 The dates

    Once every two months, on Friday morning

    Our future meetings:

    11/10, 6/12, 28/02

  • 📍Meeting place

    In the premises of Luxembourg Accueil

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